Adding actors to a container
In CAAT, every out-of-the-box actor instance is a CAAT.ActorContainer except the CAAT.Actor object instances themselves. Despite it could seem odd adding an Actor object to (for instance) a CAAT.Shape it makes sense to do so when you need to link hierarchycally other actors to the shape. A good example could be when trying to do an elbow like relationshiop between two given actor instances.
In this example, every tentacle is linked to the center, and every tentacle's shape is linked (contained) to the previous one. So rotating slightly every tentacle's element turns into an accumulative rotation transformation.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 | // create a tentacle function __createTentacle( root, angle, segments, armSegmentSizeW, armSegmentSizeH, armIndex, maxAngle ) { var i; var segment= root; for ( i=0; i < segments; i++ ) { // calculate a color which lies somewhere between the rgb colors // (255,255,0) yellow and (255,128,0) orange. var color= CAAT.Color.prototype.interpolate( 255,255,0, 255,128,0, segments, i ); // create a tentacle's segment var newSegment= new CAAT.ActorContainer(). setSize( armSegmentSizeH-4, armSegmentSizeH-4 ). setFillStyle( "rgb(" +color.r+ "," +color.g+ "," +color.b+ ")" ). setLocation( 0,-armSegmentSizeH ); // and link it to the previos tentacle segment or root element if ( segment==root ) { newSegment.setRotationAnchored(angle, armSegmentSizeW/2, armSegmentSizeH); newSegment.oldAngle= angle; } else { newSegment.oldAngle= 0; // set for every tentacle's segment up an animation function which applies // some rotation. Every segment's rotation will be composed with the previous // segment's one. newSegment.animate= function (director,time) { this .setRotationAnchored( this .oldAngle+ maxAngle*Math.sin( new Date().getTime()*.0005 + armIndex*Math.PI/segments/2 ), armSegmentSizeW/2, armSegmentSizeH ); return this ,director,time); }; } segment.addChild(newSegment); segment= newSegment; } } var _director_9= new CAAT.Director().initialize( 200, 200, document.getElementById( '_tut3_100' )); var _scene_9= _director_9.createScene(); _director_9.addScene( _scene_9 ); // make this actor each tentacle's parent. // rotating this actor will make every tentacle to rotate around it. var root= new CAAT.ShapeActor(). setShape( CAAT.ShapeActor.prototype.SHAPE_CIRCLE ). setBounds( _director_9.width/2, _director_9.height/2, 1, 1 ). setFillStyle( 'yellow' ). addBehavior( new CAAT.RotateBehavior(). setFrameTime(0,20000). setValues(0,2*Math.PI). setCycle( true ) ); // create 10 tentacles var arms= 10; // with 10 segments each var segments=10; var i; for ( i=0; i<arms; i++ ) { __createTentacle( root, 2*Math.PI/arms * i, segments, 2, 10, i, Math.PI/segments/2 ); } _scene_9.addChild(root); CAAT.loop(15); |
Addition Methods
There're two methods to add Actors to a Container.
The method function addActorDelayed(actor) batches the actor addition until CAAT.Director's current frame is processed. When adding actors to a container (in example in response to behavior events), the current frame is being processed, and adding new Actors could lead to visual artifacts. The reason is that the newly added actors have not yet executed their animation stage when being drawn on screen.
The methods function addActor(actor) and function addActorImmediately(actor) in opposition to the previous method addActor, adds immediately an actor to the rendering pipeline, and could cause such visual artifacts.
addActorImmediately is the default actor addition behavior.
It is up to the developer to choose the appropriate method that better copes with his needs.