Traversing a path
When dealing with CAAT.Path object instances, the methods getPosition and getPositionFromLength could be used to get a position on the path based on a timely basis.
When the path is created, its length is calculated and normalized, so that by passing a value between 0 and 1, a position on path can be obtained relative to its length, being 0 the path start position and 1 the path end position.
A CAAT.Interpolator object instance is such an object that accepts a value between zero and one, and return another value between zero and one (or near to). Knowing that, it is easy to understand what a CAAT.PathBehavior object instance does.
In this example an actor takes 10 seconds to traverse a path. Any of the out-of-the-box CAAT.Interpolator object instances can be selected to see the effect of applying them to the path behavior. There are two actors a red and a green one. The red always traverse via a linear interpolator, that is, the default one, and the green will traverse by the selected one.
// create some CAAT.Dock actors with some Interpolator Actors. function __scene1_generateInterpolators(director, scene, pathBehavior) { var lerps= CAAT.Interpolator.prototype.enumerateInterpolators(); var cols= 20; var j=0, i=0; var rows= lerps.length/2/cols; var min= 20; var max= 45; var selectedInterpolatorActor= null; // generate interpolator actors. for( j=0; j<rows; j++ ) { var root= new CAAT.Dock(). setBounds( director.canvas.width-(j+1)*max, 0, max, director.canvas.height). setSizes(min, max). setApplicationRange( 3 ). setLayoutOp( CAAT.Dock.prototype.OP_LAYOUT_RIGHT ); root.scene= scene; scene.addChildImmediately(root); for( i=0; i<cols; i++ ) { if ( j*cols+i>=lerps.length ) { break; } var actor= new CAAT.InterpolatorActor(). setInterpolator( lerps[(j*cols+i)*2] ). setBounds( 0, 0, min, min ). setStrokeStyle( 'blue' ); actor.mouseExit= function(mouseEvent) { if ( mouseEvent.source!=selectedInterpolatorActor ) { mouseEvent.source.setFillStyle(null); } }; actor.mouseEnter= function(mouseEvent) { if ( mouseEvent.source!=selectedInterpolatorActor ) { mouseEvent.source.setFillStyle('#f0f0f0'); } }; actor.mouseClick= function(mouseEvent) { if ( null!=selectedInterpolatorActor ) { selectedInterpolatorActor.setFillStyle(null); } selectedInterpolatorActor= mouseEvent.source; mouseEvent.source.setFillStyle('#00ff00'); selectedInterpolatorActor= mouseEvent.source; pathBehavior.setInterpolator( mouseEvent.source.getInterpolator() ); } root.addChildImmediately( actor ); } root.layout(); } }; var director = new CAAT.Director().initialize( 700,500,document.getElementById('_tut5_4')); var scene= director.createScene().setFillStyle('white'); scene.activated= function() { director.setClear(false); }; // path actor. to show the path and manipulate its control points. // by default CAAT.PathActor instances are interactive, so the control points // can be moved and the path interactively changed. var pa= new CAAT.PathActor(). setBounds(0,0,600,director.canvas.height). create(). setPath( // create a complex path composed of some heterogeneous segments. new CAAT.Path(). beginPath(200,200). addCubicTo( 300,15, 400,10, 500,200 ). addQuadricTo( 550,300, 450,350 ). addQuadricTo( 400,400, 350,200 ). addCubicTo( 100,300, 300,450, 10,400). addQuadricTo( 40,200, 200,200 ). endPath() ); // a green actor var fish = new CAAT.Actor(). setLocation( 50,50 ). setSize(50,20). setFillStyle('#00ff00'). setStrokeStyle('#ff00ff'). enableEvents(false); // a red actor var fish2 = new CAAT.Actor(). setLocation( 50,50 ). setSize(50,20). setFillStyle('#f00'). setStrokeStyle('#ff00ff'). setAlpha(.75). enableEvents(false); // path measurer behaviour var pb= new CAAT.PathBehavior(). setPath(pa.getPath()). setFrameTime(0,10000). setCycle(true). // set the traverse anchor in actor's center setTranslation( fish.width/2, fish.height/2 ). // make the actor heading across the path setAutoRotate(true); fish.addBehavior( pb ); // create anothe behavior for the same path. fish2.addBehavior( new CAAT.PathBehavior(). setPath(pa.getPath()). setFrameTime(0,10000). setCycle(true). setTranslation( fish.width/2, fish.height/2 ). setAutoRotate(true) ); scene.addChildImmediately(pa); scene.addChildImmediately(fish); scene.addChildImmediately(fish2); __scene1_generateInterpolators(director, scene, pb); director.addScene(scene); CAAT.loop(30);