A javascript animation toolkit

CAAT is a multi-instance director-based scene-graph manager.
It is able to render using Canvas, WebGL and CSS with the same code base.
Features actors, containers, scene transitions, behaviors, interpolators, paths, custom affine transformation stack, timers, elements lifecycle, etc. Watch some demos here.

Demos and Tutorials

Learn how to use CAAT with some technical demos and in depth tutorials.

* Download code at Github

Tech Demo

Sumon is a technical demo for the CAAT toolkit.

It is a maths game with different game modes in which besides having fun, you can exercise your mind as you find the right sum. Push your maths addition skills to the top.

Play the game using the rendering technology of your choice.

No changes were made to Sumon's basecode to run in different renderers.

* This game is (c) 2010-2011 @Hyperandroid and Ideateca Factory S.A.

** Latest Safari version crashes on sound play. Sorry for the inconvenience.